Portland Voice Actors' Meetup Group: Now Open!
I couldn’t believe when I looked on Meetup.com and saw that there was no group for us already.
Fortunately, Meetup offers a feature to allow you to express your interest in groups that do not yet exist, so I could see there were at least 30 people who would like one of these.
I immediately gave them my credit card and created the group. Why? Because we all need to get out of the booth once in a while, and talk to another person. Also, because when we band together we can all benefit. It's a BIG market out there, so there's no reason to hold this stuff back from each other:
Auditioning tips
Read for each other and offer feedback
Gear recommendations, and trades
Coaching & seminar recommendations
Warn each other about scams that we've encountered. They are innumerable.
Hold our own seminars with instructors of our own choosing with pooled cash
Marketing and SEO tips, and other things that some of us really struggle with
Build a network of people around you to whom you can recommend jobs for which you aren't a match.
If you live in the Portland metro area, join us!
Events coming soon, once all this Corona stuff has calmed down.