Air Guitar on Tonight with Cassidy Quinn.

Last week KGW cemented their status as “Portland’s most Air Guitar friendly network” by inviting me on their air waves for the second time. It was a BLAST.

I want to thank Cassidy Quinn for her thoughtful approach towards a topic that from the outside looking in is very difficult to wrap your head around.

Air Guitarists are accustomed to one type of television appearance for the most part:
Next up we have a clown here to amuse you.

This has been the case for numerous performers on America’s Got Talent, The Gong Show, and numerous national and local news broadcasts for over a decade. Cassidy and KGW understood the greater message I wanted to share on tapping into your creativity and unifying people around the world with air guitar, and I am grateful that it all survived the cutting room floor.

I hope you enjoy it!

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